
    • GAME

    Regarding Issues Found in Game

    Thank you for playing Godzilla Battle Line.

    We would like to report the following issues that have been confirmed.

    We have confirmed that even if you accumulate 35 Godzilla Pass Points in the bonus bank, which is opened when your Godzilla Pass Grade reaches 50, they will not be converted into G-token and you will not be able to accumulate any Godzilla Pass Points.
    The above problem is temporary, and we have confirmed that it will work as of 7/24(Sat.)00:00(PST)

    It has been confirmed that bonus bank G-tokens that should have been earned before 7/24(Sat.)00:00(PST) , will not be credited even after the bug has been resolved.
    Therefore, we are considering compensating customers who were not able to earn bonus bank G-tokens due to this bug.
    We will add a note to this announcement as soon as we decide on a policy.

    We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused.
    We hope you will continue enjoying Godzilla Battle Line.